I’m happy to finally introduce to you the brand new Galahad Creative blog!
It has been something that I have wanted to do for a while now, but I’ve never been able to find the time to actually get the ball rolling on it. There is always something that pops up. Whether it’s bugs that get flagged on SimpleMMO, contracting work that needs completed, or deadlines that need to be reached, I feel like I’m busy 24/7.
Since the start of the year, I’ve been managing my time by using a tool called Trello. This has helped me manage my time tremendously when switching between projects. I’ve used it before in the past, but now it is used for every project I’m involved in. It certainly has helped me carve out some time to set up this blog. (No – this is not a plug for Trello!)
So without further ado… you are probably wondering what this blog will entail… so let me tell you!
This blog will cover over topics, technologies, and methods of development that we use over on our projects over at Galahad Creative. Ultimately, we will use this as a tool to not only share our knowledge with the world, but as a tool to help us progress and reflect on the work we have done. We are always striving for improvement, and we hope we can use this blog to not only share, but also to learn too.
To boil it down into topics, we anticipate we will be covering the following;
- SimpleMMO (Of course we will cover it! It’s our flagship game after all)
- PHP website development (Specifically Laravel)
- InfoSec
- Server management
- Specific topics covering what it is like developing and managing a text-based game
- and our future projects!
We certainly hope this will be of value to you! We have lots of exciting things planned for 2021 (and beyond!) and we will go into more detail on them soon.
P.S We are also interested in allowing guest posts. If you would like to create a post covering any of the topics that are listed above, feel free to drop us an email at [email protected]